University of Liverpool research frontiers

With a prestigious history of uncovering world firsts and a critical mass of research excellence, Liverpool has long been at the forefront of delivering progressive solutions to global challenges.

Our frontiers are globally-significant and innovative research fields that take a holistic approach to modern day challenges, in order to help us understand the world we live in, and enhance it for the benefit of future generations.

From developing the techniques and infrastructure to conduct pioneering experiments, through to developing collaborative partnerships and effective platforms through which impact is delivered, our frontiers will support our mission to shape a better tomorrow.

Materials discovery

Materials discovery

Providing game-changing solutions for net zero challenges in clean energy, healthcare, sustainable living, and consumer products.

Particle physics

Particle physics

Developing technologies and making discoveries that deepen our understanding of the universe.

Therapeutics innovation Researcher working in a lab setting

Therapeutics innovation

Making critical scientific discoveries across the drug development pathway to transform health and medicine.