Metabolomics Training Courses

We provide a range of courses suitable for scientists working across the clinical and biological sciences. Our courses range from introductory to advanced levels and are designed to develop skills and confidence to enable scientist to apply the tools and techniques in their own laboratory and research projects.

NERC Course Image of DNA representing the genome, strand DNA represnting the transcriptome, protein representin the proteome and metabolites representing the metabolome, l=dotted lines to link 4 jigsaw pieces

Applying multi-omics in environmental research

This NERC-funded Advanced Training Short Course will introduce you to the application of multi-omics to study biological systems and provide new insights to understand environmental problems.

GC-MS Course Leco GC-MS

Introduction to Applying GC-MS in Untargeted Metabolomics

This 3-day practical based course will introduce attendees to applying GC-MS in untargeted metabolomics

LC-MS Course Replacing of probe on ESi source

Introduction to Applying LC-MS in Untargeted Metabolomics

This 3-day practical based course will introduce attendees to applying LC-MS in untargeted metabolomics.