The Prospect T1 imaging system (S-Sharp) is an ultrasound imaging system optimized for mice and rats.
The system has four modes;
- B-mode for 2D gray-level real time imaging, used to visualise soft tissues and organs.
- M-mode for the assessment of motion information over time, used largely for measurements of the heart. Colour and Pulse wave Doppler modes for blood flow analysis.
- Contrast mode for detection of contrast agents.
Below are examples of video and image taken using the system.
- Ultrasound guided injection
Using ultrasound for efficient cell injection in the left ventricle of the heart
- Cardiac function by Ultrasound
Motion mode (M- mode) image of a healthy murine heart showing cardiac R-wave.
Currently active projects:
- Measurement of cardiac function in mice
- Measurement of subcutaneous tumour growth
- Measurement of hepatic and pancreatic tumour progression