Raman and Infrared analysis

For Raman and infrared analysis of tissues and single cells we employ:

  • Spontaneous Raman with 785 nm excitation on our Renishaw inVia system
  • Coherent Raman methods including CARS (coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering) and SRS (stimulated Raman scattering) for imaging specific vibrations on our Leica multipurpose microscope system
  • Optical photothermal infrared spectroscopy on a mIRage, from Photothermal Spectroscopy Corporation, which is capable of an imaging resolution of 500 nm, and is combined with spontaneous Raman with 532 nm excitation
  • In addition, we have a number of handheld and portable Raman systems and spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) systems for through barrier analysis.

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