FortessaLSR Flow Cytometer

The BD-FortessaLSR is an advanced analytical flow cytometer configured with 5 lasers to detect up to 18 colours.

This instrument can be used to phenotypic features associated with cells, bacterial, yeast and particles with a minimum size of 0.5um.

LaserBandpass FilterSuggested Fluorochromes
UV 355nm 379/28 BUV395
  450/50 DAPI, Hoechst blue
  730/45 BUV737
Violet 405nm 450/50 BV421, V450, DAPI, Pacific Blue
  525/50 BV510, Zombie Aqua, V500
  610/20 BV605
  670/30 BV650
  710/50 BV711
  780/60 BV786
Blue 488nm 530/30   Brilliant Blue 515, FITC, AlexaFluor 488, GFP, YFP, Zombie Green
  710/50  PerCP-Cy5.5 
Yellow/Green 561nm 582/15 PE, mCherry 
  610/20  PE-Dazzle, PE-CF594 
  710/50 PE-Cy5.5 
  780/60 PE-Cy7
Red 635nm 670/30 APC, AlexaFlour 647
  730/45 AlexaFlour 700
  780/60 APC-H7, APC-Cy7, DRAQ5, Zombie NIR


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