Attune NxT flow cytometer
The Attune Nxt flow cytometer uses acoustic instead of hydrodynamic focusing as a technology to increase flow rates without loss of resolution.
As such, the Attune is able to analyse for rare populations of cells, as well as particles that are larger than what is typically associated with flow cytometers that depend on hydrodynamic focusing, such as the FACSCanto II. An additional important feature of this instrument is that it returns the analysed sample to the user.
Laser | Bandpass Filter | Suggested Fluorochromes |
Blue 488nm | 530/30 | Brilliant Blue 515, FITC, AlexaFluor 488, GFP, YFP, Zombie Green |
574/26 | PE | |
695/40 | PerCP-Cy5.5 | |
780/60 | PE-Cy7 | |
Red 635nm | 670/14 | APC, AlexaFlour 647 |
720/30 | AlexaFlour 700 | |
780/60 | APC-H7, APC-Cy7, DRAQ5, Zombie NIR |