Cell sorting and Mass Cytometry
The Cell Sorting and Mass Cytometry facility offers researchers analytical flow cytometers and cell sorting, flow and imaging mass cytometry, single cell secretomics and proteomics, as well as cytokine profiling.
The Facility’s next-generation equipment and resources are supported by experienced and knowledgeable technical specialists and renowned academics to help you make the most of your data.
The equipment we offer includes:
Analytical flow cytometry is a mainstay of research in a diversity of disciplines including immunology, haematology, stem cell biology, yeast and bacterial studies, as well as analysis of engineered synthetic particles.
Such analysis is enhanced by mass cytometry which offers analysis of up to 50 different parameters for exquisite resolution of single cells within populations that are either in suspension or within tissues. Ability to sort and recover up to 4 distinct populations of cells, or sort cells into 96- or 384-well plates, allows for subcloning of genetically manipulated cells, isolation of cell types for bulk and/or single cell RNAseq, as well as other purposes as required.
Finally, we can offer access to instruments that will profile cytokines within fluids, or at single cell resolution for discovery studies.
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Booking duration and rates for facilities and equipment can be flexible depending on your research needs.
Please email us on tdfacs@liverpool.ac.uk to discuss your research.
The FACSAria IIIu is a workhorse cell sorter equipped with 5 lasers [UV (355nm), Violet (405nm), Blue (488nm), Yellow/Green (561nm) and Red (633nm)] and can detect up to 15 parameters.
The BD-FACSCanto II flow cytometer is a system typically used in clinical settings due to its robust and reliable nature.
The Attune Nxt flow cytometer uses acoustic instead of hydrodynamic focusing as a technology to increase flow rates without loss of resolution.
The BD-FortessaLSR is an advanced analytical flow cytometer configured with 5 lasers to detect up to 18 colours.
The Helios mass cytometer combines flow Cytometry with Time-Of-Flight mass spectrometry and this thus abbreviated CyTOF. This instrument is designed to detect heavy metal-coupled reagents that have been used to label cells. This instrument can effectively measure up to 50 parameters, giving it exquisite ability to identify and characterise phenotypes of individual cells within populations. In Liverpool we have developed Proximity Ligand AssaY for Rna (PLAYR) for multiplex analysis of RNA (mRNA and lncRNA) to provide additional insight into gene expression within individual cells.
The Hyperison Imaging System is a “plug-in” for the Helios mass cytometer, bringing similar resolution to the analysis of cells within tissues. At the University of Liverpool we have adapted PLAYR for use with FFPE-preserved tissues, thereby allowing spatiotemporal understanding of RNA expression.
The Isopark is a functional proteomic analyser capable of performing studies on single cells from humans and mice. It can be used to profile intracellular signalling within and cytokine release from single cells, or to profile the secretome of cultured cells.
The QuickPlex is a profiling instrument able to provide rapid, convenient and reliable measurement of single or multiple targets within small volume samples.