Gatan 3View – Serial Blockface SEM (SBF-SEM)

Our SBF-SEM has a range of impressive capabilities.

Gatan 3View with OnPoint detector

Automated 3D EM system that comprises an in situ ultramicrotome in the FEI Quanta chamber. Slices from a resin embedded sample are removed with a diamond knife and the block face is imaged with the BSE beam. The SBF-SEM provides high resolution large 3D data sets that are then digitally reconstructed.

  • High resolution - typically ≥10 nm pixel size in X and Y
  • Z section thickness 50-200nm
  • Overnight run typically 300-500 images
  • High signal to noise ratio with OnPoint detector
  • Typically, we are imaging 10-100µm3 volumes.

Find out more about the product on the Gatan website.

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