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Research and facilities

The Stephenson Institute For Renewable Energy (SIRE) is a dedicated institute focussing on the physics and chemistry that will enable future methods of energy, generation and storage. Most of our work takes place in our purpose-built dedicated labs.

Our facilities include:

  • Battery chemistry laboratory (Hardwick)
  • Photo and nano-catalysis laboratory (Cowan; Jaeckel)
  • Heat storage and microencapsulation laboratory (Schukin)
  • Solar energy materials and solar cells laboratory (Durose; Major)
  • New materials and materials preparation (Alaria; Veal)
  • Surface analysis and UHV laboratory (Dhanak)
  • Fundamental electrochemistry (Grunder)
  • Theory of energy materials.

SIRE staff located in the Department of Chemistry have the following facilities:

Watch on YouTube: Energy research at the University of Liverpool

Energy research at the University of Liverpool

Meeting the challenges of tomorrow's energy needs.