Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care
97% of our research is world leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*), making us joint 3rd in the UK. 100% of our impact and environment is world-leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*).
Our academics work collaboratively across disciplines to address pressing local, national and international public health needs. Our overall aim is to improve the health, wellbeing and life chances of societies across the globe by conducting applied health research which is scientifically robust, and practice and policy-relevant.
We have organised our research activity into three interdisciplinary research groups:
- Health inequalities -including work on child health, NHS sustainability, non-communicable diseases prevention and food policy, clean air and energy policies globally.
- Primary care and wellbeing
- Trials and methodology.
These groups reflect the priorities of our key stakeholders and partners within the NHS, and national and international policymakers. The groups also align with the University’s research themes, Starting well, living well, ageing well and Digital Health.
Our researchers have powerfully shaped the Open Research agenda, leading on international consensus-based guidelines for data sharing, statistical analysis plans and evidence-based guidance for sharing individual participant data from publicly funded clinical trials.
We are leading key research initiatives, including the Wellcome Trust-funded Children Growing Up in Liverpool - the first major UK birth cohort for over a decade. The Liverpool Civic Data Cooperative (CDC), the UK’s first CDC which will link anonymised health and care records across the City Region in a secure environment, building a substantial new tool for health research; and the ARC North West Coast which brings together a network of 61 health and social care partners across the region and a well established public adviser forum, to collaborate and deliver excellent applied research.
Recent research successes, include the renewal of the NIHR School for Public Health Research, the Clean Air AFRICA NIHR Unit , and Groundswell on health and green/blue spaces planning.