We have more than doubled our world leading (4*) research (outputs, impact and environment) compared to REF 2014. We are ranked 4th in the sector for research impact classified as outstanding (4*) out of 35 submissions.
A central part of our vision is to build upon the Department’s long and distinguished history of combining research excellence in core areas of philosophy with innovative work at the frontiers of the discipline. Deliberately bridging the traditional divide between the “analytical” and “continental” and having a decidedly ecumenical outlook, we regard philosophy as a set of approaches and methods that can help us make sense of whatever is puzzling, perplexing or interesting in the world around us.
Accordingly, we do not conduct our work in a vacuum but very much in the social and civic space of the city of Liverpool with its rich history of commerce, culture, protest, industry and migration. We work with partners such as the Bluecoat Gallery, Tate Liverpool, National Museums Liverpool, NHS North-West, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and others to find applications for our work and to inspire our thinking.
Relatedly, we have also made a strategic decision to focus much of our philosophical research on various philosophical questions that arise from current technological, social and cultural developments, looking into the ethical, political, social, metaphysical and spiritual implications of environmental change, technological and scientific developments, and emerging forms of artistic, social and political interaction.
We have explored the history and contributions to the discipline by women philosophers, whilst also contributing to agenda-setting work around gender and philosophy best practice. We have had a researcher recognised as one of the BBC New Generation Thinkers, plus our colleagues contribute to the work of the Olaf Stapledon Centre for Speculative Futures.