Clinical Medicine
Ranked 11th in the UK for Research Power, with 100% of our impact rated outstanding or very considerable.
Our work is focused around four research themes, supported by strategic collaborations with twelve of our regional NHS trusts and local higher education partners, including the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. These partnerships have enabled us to successfully align our areas of research excellence with regional, national and international health priorities, providing new pathways to impact, together with substantial increases in funding and civic investment.
We have a strong relationship with the people of our region and the high burden of ill health that they experience and have created multi-disciplinary clinical research centres to address important challenges in regional and global health.
Our research is primarily focused on two major clinical themes, Infection and Global Health and Life Course and Chronic Disease, which operate alongside a theme of Cancer, focussing on early detection and improved therapy in areas that specifically address the local burden of disease.
The success of each of our research themes is facilitated by internationally recognised excellence in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Multi-Omics and Systems Biology.
The impact of our research is enhanced by a large network of national and international collaborators including the NHS, Public Health England, over 100 industrial partners, and organisations in more than 100 countries.
We have a long-established international reputation in the area of clinical pharmacology, drug safety and personalised medicine, and were awarded the Queen's Anniversary Prize for work towards improving the safety and effectiveness of medicines in 2017. This is a major focus of our research activity and our researchers provide a range of molecular, computational, and clinical expertise.
We facilitate outstanding discovery-led science and drive translation and impact that will have long-term benefits for patients and the public.
Our research outputs have led to significant regional, national and international benefits to society.