Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
100% of our research impact is outstanding (4*) or very considerable (3*). 100% of our environment is conducive to generating research that is world leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*).
Our outstanding (4*) impact almost doubled from REF 2014, seeing an 87% increase. Our research overall (covering outputs, impact and environment) is in the top quarter.
We are ranked joint 5th in the sector for research classified as world leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*) overall (covering outputs, impact and environment) out of 38 submissions and 7th in the sector for world leading (4*) outputs out of 38 submissions.
International in focus, ambitions, geographical reach and staff base, our research at the Liverpool School of Architecture covers a broad range of research topics spanning architectural history, heritage, urban form, thermal and acoustic environments and sustainability. The school continues to see strong postgraduate research completions that reflect the outward-facing nature of our work.
Research vitality stems from our aims to understand, analyse and improve the built environment, which creates impact through engagement with the community and the architectural, engineering and cultural professions.
Our research provides future visons to preserve our urban heritage, steer heritage management and sustainable tourism, introduce immersive technologies into visitor attractions, improve inclusivity, health and wellbeing through novel technologies, design environmentally focussed and sustainable architecture and provide insights into our architectural history.