Dr. Vasilis Tzoganis

 Name  Vasilis Tzoganis
 Riken/Liverpool Fellow
 Address    Cockcroft Institute
 Sci -Tech Daresbury
 University of Liverpool
 Warrington WA4 4AD, UK




Vasilis obtained a degree in Physics and a Master’s degree in Electronics from the University of Ioannina in Greece. He graduated in December 2011 and then joined the Acoustics and Vibrations Research Group (AVRG) at the Vrije Universiteit of Brussels for 9 months where he worked in the field of wind energy.

Since October 2012 he has been a member of the QUASAR Group, pursuing his PhD in the framework of a Liverpool–RIKEN collaboration. His work focuses on the development of a novel and non-destructive beam monitoring technique based on a supersonic gas jet. This will allow probing various beams in different accelerator facilities around the world. In 2013 first experimental results were achieved and the theory behind the supersonic gas jet generation and dynamics was experimentally verified. Vasilis’ work on beam diagnostics includes mechanical and electronics design, vacuum technology, as well as programming and image processing.

In 2013 Vasilis moved to Japan as an International Program Associate (IPA) within the frame of a Liverpool-RIKEN agreement. Initially he was involved in the design of a non-destructive gas based longitudinal beam profile monitor for RIKEN’s radioactive beams. The monitor would be installed at the end of the RIKEN Heavy-ion Linac (RILAC) and would be part of the machine’s beam diagnostics. Currently, he contributes to R&D efforts in the ion source team where he is working on the development of an online emittance monitor using the "pepper pot" method. His works aims at providing a better understanding of the dynamics of the 18 GHz ECRIS ion source and enhanced beam tuning and diagnostics capability.


Vasilis Tzoganis has now left the QUASAR Group.



Gas Jet Monitor

Atomic Physics