Sruthy Chandran

Name Sruthy Chandran
PhD Student

Cockcroft Institute
Sci -Tech Daresbury
University of Liverpool
Warrington WA4 4AD





Sruthy Chandran holds a double master’s degree in accelerator and detector physics from Paris-Saclay University, France, and La Sapienza University, Italy, as part of the Erasmus Mundus LASCLA master’s program funded by the European Union. She graduated in August 2023 and is an alumna of the CERN Accelerator School JUAS 2023.

For her master’s thesis, she conducted research at the Annecy Laboratory of Particle Physics (LAPP) in France, contributing to the R&D efforts of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) project. Her thesis, titled ‘Influence of Vibratory Effects on the Beam Parameters of SuperKEKB’, employed advanced simulation techniques to investigate the impact of focusing magnet vibrations on beam stability within the SuperKEKB collider. This work involved close collaboration with IJC Lab in Orsay, CERN in Switzerland, and KEK in Japan, offering significant insights for improving beam dynamics in high-energy physics experiments.

In October 2024, Sruthy joined the QUASAR Group as a PhD student to work with the AEgIS collaboration at CERN. Her research focuses on optimizing beam quality through realistic 3D start-to-end and trapping simulations. She will be contributing to the integration of beam and particle diagnostics by bridging experimental data with simulation models, helping to advance the precision of antimatter experiments.

