Debdeep Ghosal

 Name  Debdeep Ghosal
 Research Associate
 Address    Cockcroft Institute
 Sci -Tech Daresbury
 University of Liverpool
 Warrington WA4 4AD, UK



Following the completion of his Bachelor degree (with honours) from University of Calcutta, Kolkata (India) in 2012, Dr Debdeep Ghosal attended the Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad (India) for his Masters studies and graduated in 2014. After that in September 2014, he had the opportunity of pursuing an advanced courses in Nuclear and Particle Physics at UPMC Paris and Paris Diderot University (France) as well as a thesis internship at CERN. There he worked on double Higgs production studies with the analysis group of CEA-Saclay (under the CMS collaboration) and actively contributed to the CMS Internal Analysis Note on LHC run-I in 2015.

In August 2016, Debdeep joined the Nuclear and Particle Physics group of University of Basel, Switzerland
where he finished his PhD in Experimental Hadron Physics in 2021 and continued as Postdoc in the same field. The group’s main research topic was to investigate hadron structures and to solve the ‘missing resonance’ problem. Debdeep’s responsibilities were focused into both, hardware testing and data analysis parts for conducting fixed target particle physics experiments (at the experimental facilities of Mainz(CB-TAPS) and Bonn(CB-ELSA), Germany) within the international A2 collaboration. Previously, Debdeep was also involved with the MUSE collaboration (proton radius puzzle experiment) at PSI, Switzerland, where on behalf of the Basel group he contributed to MC simulation work, optimization of performance of the beam line detectors.

Within the QUASAR Group, Dr Ghosal is working on the development of cutting-edge beam diagnostic techniques for the AWAKE experiment at CERN. His studies include the precise measurement of transverse and longitudinal beam profile of the proton beam driver and the accelerated electron beam, as well as research into advanced beam emittance measurements techniques. Active involvement in simulation studies to finalize monitor designs and to optimize the signal quality are other areas that he is engaged with.

Furthermore, Dr Ghosal has strong interest in Climate Change issues and in creating mass awareness on environmental problems by means of scientific article writing and awareness campaigns.




Beam diagnostics
Beam loss monitor