Dr Bharat Singh Rawat

Name  Bharat Singh Rawat
 Research Associate
 Address    Cockcroft Institute 
 Sci -Tech Daresbury
 University of Liverpool
 Warrington WA4 4AD, UK
 Email bharat26@liverpool.ac.uk  



Bharat Singh Rawat graduated with a Bachelor’s of Engineering (B.E) in Mechanical Engineering from Gujarat Technological University in 2013 and Master’s of Technology (M.Tech) in Nuclear Engineering from Pandit Deendayal Energy University in 2017.He designed and developed a high power faraday cup as a part of his Master’s thesis for an accelerator based neutron source at Institute for Plasma Research under the National Fusion Program fellowship. He undertook one- month internship at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) in 2017 for a short project on electron beam based plasma source. He briefly worked for Nuvia India Pvt Limited as a Radiation Protection Engineer in 2018 for EMCCR project at Kakrapar Atomic Power Station.

In 2018, he started his PhD with Homi Bhabha National Institute with a DDFS fellowship and joined the Positive Neutral Beam group at Institute for Plasma Research to carry out his PhD research. His work focused on the studies on extraction of ion beam and its transport from a multicusp gridded ion source. He designed and developed a broad beam (D=11cm) ring cusp ion source capable of producing Ar+ ion beam upto 2keV and beam currents upto 100mA. The work involved primary electron confinement studies with different magnetic cusp configurations using CST studio, development of a two grid multiaperture extraction system which included beam extraction simulations using OPERA-3D and thermostructural simulations using ANSYS.

He also designed and developed an eleven channel faraday cup array for measuring the beam profiles/divergence and total beam current at different axial locations. In order to estimate the beam profiles very close to the ion source he developed a nine channel fixed wire array. Several other developed diagnostics include charge exchange probe, Langmuir probe and force probe.

Bharat joined the QUASAR Group as a Research Associate in April 2023. His responsibilities include conducting simulation studies to optimize beam transport from the low-energy ELENA ring to the AEgIS experiment, integrating beam and particle diagnostics efficiently, and developing schemes for trap injection, particle storage, and merging. He is currently focused on creating a Digital Twin of the experiment using tools such as G4Beamline, CST Studio, and MADX. Bharat has presented his work at various international conferences and collaboration meetings. In addition to his research, Bharat contributes to teaching by assisting the tutorial sessions for the accelerator physics course at the university. As a registered STEM ambassador, he actively engages in outreach activities, such as leading laboratory tours for students and presenting engaging and interactive experiments to the general public during open days.







  1. TALOS (Total Automation of LabVIEW Operations for Science): A framework for autonomous control systems for complex experiments : https://pubs.aip.org/aip/rsi/article/95/8/085116/3310273/TALOS-Total-Automation-of-LabVIEW-Operations-for
  2. Simulation studies for the confinement of antiprotons for the AEgIS experiment: https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/ipac2024/doi/jacow-ipac2024-wepr75/.
  3. Positronium Laser cooling via 1^3S-2^3P Transition with a broadband laser pulse: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.083402.



1) 3D Simulation studies of mixed plasma confinement at AEgIS presented at International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics and Conference on Low Energy Antiprotons (EXA/LEAP 2024) at Vienna, Austria.

2)   Simulation studies for the confinement of antiprotons for the AEgIS experiment presented at 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC-2024) at Nashville, TN,USA.