We are working in partnership with research groups from around the world to design, build and continuously optimize world-class research infrastructures. This includes contributions to the energy frontier machines, in particular:
- the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)at CERN,
- its High Luminosity upgrade,
- the Future Circular Colliderand
- the Electron Ion Collider, where Professor Welsch is co-chair of the global EIC Accelerator Collaboration.
To all these world-leading accelerators, we contribute our unique experience in beam instrumentation R&D, accelerator design and optimization.
Furthermore, we collaborate closely with other Cockcroft Institute partners on the optimization and experimental exploitation of the CLARA and RUEDI accelerators on the campus of the STFC Daresbury Laboratory.
Image: LHC Tunnel (Credit: Maximilien Brice/CERN)
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