The new faces of the QUASAR Group Part 3 - AVA

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After the first AVA fellow Bianca Veglia started in May, the two remaining fellows Milena Vujanovic and Volodymyr Rodin began their work in the QUASAR group. They are joined by the new AVA project manager Dr. Martin Bellwood.

Milena Vujanovic received her physics degree from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Montenegro.

She got accepted for the short-term internship program at CERN and later as a Technical Student, she enrolled at the University of Belgrade, Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. At CERN, Milena was part of the AEgIS experiment, situated at the Antiproton Decelerator aiming to perform a first precise, direct detection of the gravitational behaviour of antimatter.

Milena will develop a project on "A DMD based beam halo and emittance monitor" based in the Cockcroft Institute.


Volodymyr Rodin started his physics career at Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Ukraine). He obtained his master’s degree in June 2017 with a thesis titled ‘Development of Wavelength-shifting Optical Module simulation model in GEANT4 for SHiP experiment’. His thesis was collaboration with the Berlin Group. The work consisted of creating the comprehensive simulation of WOM and its verification with experimental data.

Volodymyr will be based at the Cockcroft institute, where he will develop a project on “Collision dynamics of correlated quantum systems”.


Martin Bellwood obtained his first degree in Chemistry from Lancaster University. He went on to gain his PhD studying metal-containing liquid crystal systems from the Department of Physics, UCLAN, using scattering facilities at Daresbury, RAL and Grenoble.

At the University of Surrey Martin specialised in Teaching and Learning, working closely with UK exam boards and learned societies to develop educational resources and organise training events for science students and lecturers. He then spent several years as a freelance consultant, providing IT and educational services for university researchers, companies and government agencies.

After several years as a freelance consultant, Martin returned to the HE sector, gaining experience in research management, finance and governance whilst overseeing a portfolio of charitable, RCUK, industrial and government funded research projects and initiatives.

Martin will work as a project manager in the QUASAR group for the AVA and LIVDAT networks.