QUASAR contributes to workshop on novel accelerators, FELs and VSim

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Yelong Wei giving a talk on his study of dual-grating dielectric laser-driven accelerators (DLAs).

On the 15th and 16th March 2017, the workshop on novel accelerators, FELs and VSim was held at Daresbury Laboratory. Scientists and engineers from institutes all around the world shared highlights of their activities in this workshop.

Yelong Wei, one of our QUASAR group members, gave a talk on his study of dual-grating dielectric laser-driven accelerators (DLAs) at this workshop. He presented his numerical simulations on DLAs, including geometry optimizations, wakefields and beam quality studies in detail. These simulations have just been published in the journal ‘Physics of Plasmas 24, 023102(2017)’. He also presented his study on pulse-front-tilt operation for a laser beam, where he is aiming to extend the interaction length, resulting in a greater energy gain for a dual-grating DLA. Finally, the progress on fabrication studies and potential experiment plans for dual-gratings was also summarized.

According to Yelong Wei, this workshop provided an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge with researchers from different institutes and discuss ideas for future simulation and experimental studies.