What are you doing, Mr X? Part 5

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This week’s Mr. X is Professor Carsten Welsch. He is the leader and founder of the QUASAR group; a research group at the University of Liverpool which specialises in developing novel diagnostic techniques for the next generation of particle accelerators. Prof. Welsch is responsible maintaining the high standard of quality research produced by the group. He also oversees recruitment, welcoming new students and writes grant proposals.

There are several large scale multinational networks which are coordinated by Prof. Welsch and his EU Project T.E.A.M., all with a view to advance accelerator physics worldwide. These include OPAC, LA3NET, the recently launched OMA, and the upcoming AVA project. Recently, our own professor has also become the Head of the Physics Department at the University of Liverpool. 

In the picture Prof Welsch can be seen happily (and busily) drawing up plans for the next 5 years at the University of Liverpool and the QUASAR group.