Sharing our Fascination for Science - but how?

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Clear communication of research results to a wide and often diverse audience can be challenging. This is particularly true when complex technologies need to be explained in laymen terms. The QUASAR Group have invited Dr Joanna Young from Edinburgh to hold a 1-day training course on science communication at the Cockcroft Institute. The course was offered to group leaders from the CI partner universities and STFC, as well as all members of the group's EU Project TEAM.

The day started off with a general overview of what makes good communication, as well as publishing tools and writing techniques that can help emphasising specific important aspects of a text. The main differences between research articles and newspaper articles where identified in discussion and analysed for their respective structure. The participants were then asked to write brief news articles that were discussed by the whole group. They also identified key target groups for communication activities and how they differ from each other.


A critical look at commonly used media platforms, including social networks, and their respective strengths and weaknesses concluded the day. The course was a full success and enjoyed by all participants. It will help communicating R&D results, as well as news about events or grant awards from the group and the wider Cockcroft Institute even clearer in the future.