QUASAR contributions to the 2015 CLIC Workshop

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Members of the Quasar group were among researchers from around the world who came together at CERN last week for the annual CLIC workshop. All are collaborating on the design and prototyping of CLIC, the Compact Linear Collider, the proposed next-generation machine for high-energy particle physics. They were there to discuss the considerable progress which has been made during the last year towards proving the feasibility of CLIC's novel two-beam acceleration scheme both at CTF3, the CLIC Test Facility at CERN, and by groups around the world. 


Quasars contributed presentations on the innovative beam diagnostics that will be necessary to operate CLIC. Dr Eduardo Nebot del Busto showcased the progress in optical-fiber based diagnostics in his talk about "Beam Loss Monitors" while Dr Adam Jeff's talk about "Gas Jet Technology for High Intensity Beams" presented results from the gas jet test stand at the Cockcroft Institute. Details and slides from the event can be seen at https://indico.cern.ch/event/336335/overview