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Vasilis Tzoganis, Liverpool – RIKEN Fellow  in the QUASAR Group who has just started his 2 year research stay at RIKEN, Japan attended the  9 days long Joint US-CERN-Japan-Russia Accelerator School on “Introduction to Particle Accelerators”  that took place in Shizuoka, Japan from 23rd - 31th October 2013.

The school was organized by KEK with the support of European, Japanese, Russian and institutions from the USA. The course covered a broad range of accelerator related subjects and was aiming to educate young engineers and scientists in basic accelerator knowledge and also recent developments. The school had an intense program of lectures provided by worldwide-recognized experts from the accelerator community. It also included visits to KEK and RIKEN facilities.

The school was found to be an excellent introduction to accelerator science and particularly useful for early stage PhD students. It also offered a fertile ground for discussions round R&D, future collaborations and job opportunities as representatives from many research centers, universities and companies participated. Special thanks to the school organizers for supporting Vasilis’ participation via a scholarship !
