QUASAR talks around the globe
A number of QUASARs have had the opportunity to present our recent research outcomes to the international science community.
- Michael participated to the 16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry in Syndney/Australia (19.-24.9.2010) with a contributed talk on "Using monolythic active pixel sensors for fast monitoring of therapeurtic hadron beams";
- Alexander gave a contributed review talk on "Electrostatic Storage Rings at the Ultra-low Energies Range" at RUPAC in Protvino/Russia (27.9.-1.10.2010);
- Tobias was invited to talk about "Intrinsic limitations of Niobium under RF" at the Workshop on "Thin Films and New Ideas for SRF" in Padua/Italy;
- Carsten was invited to give a review talk on "Low Energy Storage Rings: Opening Routes for Beyond State-of-the-art Research" at the SPS5 Conference.
These talks summarize part of the group's present research activities and are an excellent opportunity for critical discussion with the wider scientific