First QUASAR PhD Thesis finished

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Marcel Schuh, one of the founding members of the QUASAR Group, has successfully defended his PhD thesis in a viva on June 22nd 2011.

In his PhD project, he investigated into the characterization of Higher Order Modes (HOM) in the superconducting cavities of high current proton linacs. His work yielded a comprehensive study of the impact of HOMs on beam stability, looked into damping mechanism such as for example HOM couplers and covered also the influence of mechanical effects, such as Lorenz-force detuning.

Marcel_Schuh_PhDHis work has significantly contributed to a better understanding of these effects and the comprehensive numerical simulation code, SMD, which he has developed in the frame of his thesis, will be the basis for a number of future studies.


Marcel recently joined our partner THz Group at KIT, Germany as a Postdoc.


Further information:

M. Schuh, et al., 'Influence of higher order modes on the beam stability in the high power superconducting proton linac', PRST-AB 14 051001 (2011)

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