Summer students join QUASAR Group
Summer student season is upon us at the Cockcroft Institute and the University of Liverpool are providing work experience for school and university students. This week the QUASAR group hosted Lizzie and Catherine from Wirral Grammar School for Girls with a packed programme of activities ranging from theoretical particle physics and computer simulations of accelerator processes through to hands-on experimentation with vacuum chambers, lasers and electronic circuits.
At the end of the week the students made a lunch-time presentation of their experiences to the QUASAR Group showing just how much they had learned and clearly demonstrating how much they had enjoyed their time at the Cockcroft Institute.
The summer students reported on their experiences at the Cockcroft Institute on a national outreach site, 'Explore Your Universe'.
The QUASAR Group has hosted given many students the opportunity to gain research experience over the past years and several additional students will join us over the summer. These internships are made possible through contributions by individual QUASARs –particular thanks to Alexandra Alexandrova, Tomasz Cybulski, Dr. Oleg Karamyshev, Amir Aimidula, Blaine Lomberg and Vasilis Tzoganis.