Liverpool hosts screening of FCC documentary “Way Beyond”

The QUASAR Group in, collaboration with CERN, presented the film “Way Beyond”, about the Future Circular Collider project, in the Picturehouse at FACT Liverpool on 10 October.
The compelling 60-minute documentary, directed by Swiss artist Pauline Julier, explores the ambitious Future Circular Collider (FCC) project at CERN by following the discussions of a group of scientists involved in its conception. Drawing from archival footage and contemporary recordings of meetings, the film offers a rarely seen behind the scenes view into the everyday work of the scientists and engineers who create such gigantic and complex machines. With precise and elegant storytelling, Julier presents a nuanced and often humorous reflection on humanity's relentless quest for knowledge and its implications.
Over 40 people attended the screening, which was followed by a panel discussion featuring the film’s director and academics from the University of Liverpool’s Physics Department: Prof Monica D’Onofrio, Head of Research and Deputy Head of Department, and particle physicist Dr Nikolaos Rompotis. The panel was moderated by Prof Carsten Welsch, Head of Accelerator Science at the department.
Film director Pauline Julier (middle) discussed the inspiration behind the documentary.
Pauline Julier shared her artistic vision of capturing the scientific journey of the FCC, discussing the inspiration behind her documentary and the challenges she encountered while filming in such a highly technical environment. Monica D'Onofrio and Nikolaos Rompotis discussed the university's role in the FCC project, the key scientific questions the Future Circular Collider aims to address, and the potential technological and engineering breakthroughs it could bring. They also explored how these advancements might impact other industries and society as a whole.
A question and answers session provided an excellent opportunity for the audience to engage with the panel members in a lively discussion. Attendees were able to ask questions, share their thoughts, and inquire about the topics explored in the film, as well as the scientific and technological aspects of the FCC project.
Prof Welsch says: ”Reflecting on the ambitious aims and multi-layer challenges of a potential Future Circular Collider in conversation with a diverse audience was a fantastic experience. Many thanks to FACT for their support in organising this film screening.”