Registration for AVA International School on Precision Studies now open

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Image Birgit Böllinger/Pixabay

The AVA network is delighted to announce the 'International School on Precision Studies' which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from 23-27 March 2020. Lectures and topical talks will be presented by world-leading physicists.

They will present the latest results in theoretical and experimental antimatter studies along with wider research in accelerator science and particle physics. 

All school participants will get the opportunity to present their own work in the form of posters. Social events, an excursion to ELI Beamlines, and a public talk on antimatter research will complement the programme.

Several scholarships for early stage researchers from outside of the AVA network will be available.

Event homepage

Registration deadline 31st December 2019

Abstract submission for poster presentation deadline 31st December 2019