Visit to the City of Canals
Prof Carsten Welsch, Head of the QUASAR Group and OMA coordinator, visited the vibrant and colourful city of Amsterdam last week to meet with delegates from OMA partner Amsterdam Scientific Instruments (ASI) and Nikhef.
ASI is co-located at the Amsterdam Science Park, home to one of the largest concentrations of sciences in Europe in the Oost city district of Amsterdam, with Nikhef, its founding institute. The company is a global player in the market of detector technology for the scientific and industrial market.
Nikhef is the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics. The institute performs research into the elementary building blocks of our Universe, their mutual forces and the structure of space and time.
Prof Welsch discussing opportunities for industry-academia collaboration with ASI and Nikhef.
OMA Fellow Navrit Bal, based at ASI, is exploring ASI’s hybrid pixelated detector technology, specifically the Medipix3RX system. His project within OMA involves characterization and improvement of the Medipix3 chip, the readout and control software and a variety of applications using the chip with mainly x-rays and electrons. He recently carried out studies to increase the clock frequency of the readout system, SPIDR (Speedy PIxel Detector Readout) of the Medipix3 detector and was able to demonstrate a very significant improvement of the system. Navrit is also working closely with members of Nikhef on his PhD project.
During his visit, Prof Welsch gave a detailed overview of the progress within the OMA project, addressed questions regarding project procedures and discussed opportunities for industry-academia collaboration with both, ASI and Nikhef.