Quasar presented in the 7th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting

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The 7th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting was jointly organised by CIEMAT and CERN in Madrid, Spain from 13 to 16 November 2017. Quoting from CERN website, the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project aims to crank up the performance of the LHC in order to increase the potential for discoveries after 2025. The objective is to increase luminosity by a factor of 10 beyond the LHC’s design value.

During the workshop, QUASAR group member Dr Hao Zhang, gave a talk about the  ‘Gas Jet Monitor: Progress with gas jet testing’. The subject he is currently working on, is the development of a novel non-invasive beam profile monitor based on the supersonic gas jet. The final goal of this project is to install such a monitor into the electron lens to monitor the overlapping of the LHC 7TeV proton beam and the 10keV cooling hollow electron beam. 

According to Dr Zhang, this conference summarised an overall progress of the HL-LHC project. All presented talks showed that every sub-projects were going well. The Cockcroft institutes and further UK institutes were strongly represented in this collaboration. All the contributions from the UK are available from this website.

The figure below shows the group photo of all HL-LHC conference participants in front of the CIEMAT conference hall. The second figure shows Dr Zhang during the banquet. The third figure shows Dr Zhang moving one of the control box inside CERN tunnel using Virtual Reality technology.