Laptop loan scheme for postgraduate researchers

Our postgraduate researcher (PGR) laptop loan scheme provides all 'main campus' based, new postgraduate researchers with the option to borrow a dedicated laptop to use for the duration of their studies. Funding for the scheme is confirmed for the financial year 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025. The scheme is administered by the Postgraduate Researcher Experience Team (PRET) in conjunction with colleagues in IT Services. All applications are processed by PRET in the first instance.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for the PGR laptop loan scheme you'll need to be:

  • Registered as being in Year 1 of a PGR programme on the date of your application. For clarity and for the purpose of this scheme, PGR students are those registered on PhD, MPhil or MD programmes, and includes intercalating MPhil students who will resume MBChB studies following completion of the MPhil.
  • Studying at The University of Liverpool's main campus, or Leahurst, or University of Liverpool hospital locations.

How do I apply?

If you're eligible, you'll be sent an email and application form by your department, school or institute around the time of your registration. If you missed this email and are eligible, you can download the application form below.

Download the application form (DOCX, 41KB)

Please send your completed application form directly to and not via your
department or research group collectively. As part of the application process, we are accepting e -
signatures on the application form and we therefore need to keep an audit trail showing that the
request originated from the applicant.

Why has the scheme been introduced?

As a postgraduate researcher, you will undertake much of your work and interactions with supervisors, colleagues and fellow PGRs via such technologies as Zoom and Teams. Providing you with a fully University supported laptop ensures that you have access to a secure and reliable device for your research work and related activity. 

The increase in hybrid working in the past few years has brought into focus the cybersecurity and research integrity risks that come with any remote working. Providing you with a University device provides you with the tools and support you need to ensure that your work, data and interactions are secure and reliable. 

The implementation of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as formal requirements from government agencies, funders, and key partners such as the NHS, now require that the University meet strict data protection and research data management requirements across all research activity.

It is the joint responsibility of you and your supervisor to follow University guidance on research
integrity, which includes research data management and security. This is true for all areas of research, regardless of whether it is an humanities archive-based project, an engineering project, or involves clinical medical research. By providing you with a university device, alongside university support, will make meeting these responsibilities and requirements easier.

Unfortunately, recent high-profile UK cybersecurity and research integrity incidents around remote working, device use and data security have highlighted the serious consequences for Universities, supervisors and students of data breaches and compromised systems.

It is important to remember that you should only be using University devices for your research.

My PhD is split-site. Am I eligible for the scheme?

If you spend the majority of your time on the University of Liverpool campus, you are eligible for the scheme. If you will be at an overseas partner university for the first 1 or 2 years of your degree, you will be eligible to apply to the scheme when you arrive in the UK for the duration of your registration with the University of Liverpool. Please indicate this clearly on your application form.

When can I apply?

If you received the application form from your school/institute as part of your pre-arrival information, we’d be happy to receive your application form before you arrive in Liverpool (send your completed form to however, we can only supply the laptop to you once you are fully registered on the student records system.

When your status has changed from 'expected entrant' to 'registered', we will finalise the order with our supplier and you will be offered the choice of delivery to a UK address or collection from campus. Please note that during peak periods of activity for IT Services (for example, the start of a new academic year), it might be quicker to have the laptop delivered to a UK residential address. We also suspend deliveries to residential addresses during peak periods for courier deliveries (i.e. mid November to January).

I already have my own personal laptop, can I carry on using that?

It is important to remember that you should only be using University devices for your research. Once you have your new device it is expected that this should be the sole or main device for your research and study.

I've already been issued a laptop/PC by my department, do I need to change it?

You may have already been issued with a laptop by your department, school or institute. In many cases the new laptops offered in this scheme will be of higher specification your current device. Once you have the new laptop, we would ask that you contact your department, school or institute to return your older device.

If you are currently using a highly specialist laptop that is required to support your studies, we ask that you provide details of this device to so that we can provide advice from IT Services to ensure that the device meets cyber security requirements. The details that you provide should include the make, model, operating system and details of any specialist software.

What type of laptop is it?

The laptops are of an equivalent specification to that provided to academic staff and researchers.

View laptop specification

Depending on availability, you may be offered a reconditioned laptop as an alternative to a brand new laptop. However, there is no pressure to accept a reconditioned laptop if you are willing to wait until we have new laptops in stock.

Does the laptop come with a monitor and docking station?

No, we do not provide monitors or docking stations through this scheme, you would need to approach your school or institute to request any other peripherals or accessories. The laptop is delivered with a carry case.

What if I’d prefer a different type of laptop/device?

The laptop loan scheme can only supply the standard specification Windows laptop, there is no upgrade option available and there is no cash equivalent available via the Postgraduate Researcher Experience Team (PRET) or PGR laptop loan scheme to put towards your own choice of laptop/device (e.g. higher specification, desktop PC or Mac).

What if I’d prefer a different type of operating system (such as Mac, Linux operating system etc)?

The Laptop Loan scheme supports the provision of Managed Windows Service (MWS) devices to postgraduate researchers. Installing Linux would take the laptop outside of Cyber Essentials Accreditation, as this currently only applies to University-owned devices. A core reason for this scheme is to ensure that the maximum number of devices used by PGRs meet our core cybersecurity requirements. As a result, we would not support the conversion of the laptop to a Linux device. IT Services does not currently support Linux based devices.

We are aware that, for some postgraduate researchers, Linux, MacOS or other environments are used for their research. This specialist support must be managed and provided at a School or Faculty level. IT Services are currently exploring how best to support the diverse computing needs of research whilst also meeting Cyber Essentials, research integrity and other new regulatory requirements. As a result, at present, the Laptop Loan scheme only provides Managed Windows Service (MWS) devices for use by postgraduate researchers.

How do I keep my research data secure?

The University’s Research Data Management Policy requires that research data are stored on the Network Drives in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); failure to comply with this can constitute research misconduct.

We strongly recommend reading the University's guide to research data management essentials, as well as undertaking online research ethics and integrity training.

Please remember that you are responsible for saving your data/work to the University's network drives. Don’t risk compromising your data or work by saving it on the laptop’s hard drive.

What happens to the laptop when I complete my studies?

When you have completed your PhD, you must contact PRET for instructions on returning the device. Data will be professionally wiped from the hard drive by IT Services.

If you are an intercalating MPhil student who will resume MBChB studies following completion of the MPhil, you will be able to keep the laptop until the end of your studies.

Can I buy the laptop when I’ve finished my studies?

We can’t offer this option as we have a contract with the University supplier who re-claim the laptop back for professional data cleaning and recycling.

Do I need to insure the laptop?

When you signed the laptop loan agreement, you agreed to “immediately notify the University if the Equipment is lost, damaged or stolen” and should this happen, you agreed that you would “at the University’s discretion, replace the Equipment or reimburse the University for full value of the Equipment”.

If you have insurance for your personal belongings at home, it would be prudent to ensure that the laptop is covered for theft, loss or damage both at home and away from the home. If you are travelling on University business, such as a conference or field trip, then you should ensure that your department has provided you with insurance under the University of Liverpool’s travel insurance policy.

In any incident of theft, loss or damage, the laptop loan scheme would not automatically provide a replacement laptop. However, depending on the circumstances, a replacement may be offered.

What happens if my laptop develops a fault?

Please contact the IT Service Desk in the same way as you would with any IT issue. IT Services will triage the issue with the laptop and involve the supplier (DTP) if they need to. 

The easiest way to contact the IT Service Desk is to log a call on Service Now.

When you log the call with IT Services, please be sure to put in the details that it is part of the laptop loan scheme and quote the date that you received the laptop.

Can I return the laptop earlier than the end of my studies?

Yes – just email and you will be given instructions on how to return your laptop and, once it has been received, you will be notified that the loan agreement has ended.

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