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I am a medically qualified Epidemiologist and a Public Health Lecturer with an interest in applied child health research. I originally qualified in Medicine at the University of Athens and then followed an academic pathway, leading to an MSc in Paediatric Research, an MPhil in Epidemiology at the University of Cambridge, and culminating in a PhD in Child Health Policy from UCL. My clinical practice has shaped my approach to medical education, having served in healthcare systems in both Greece and the NHS.

Prior to joining the University of Liverpool, I worked as a Senior Research Associate at the University of Bristol MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, following one year at their Centre for Public Health exploring policy evaluation through systems approaches. Previously, I spent five years working as a Research Associate at the UCL Institute of Child Health Children’s Policy Research Unit (CPRU), where I managed and analysed large-scale routinely collected datasets (>60K patients) to investigate the role of health services in improving outcomes for children with diabetes in England & Wales and other six high-income countries. My expertise in methodological research includes longitudinal analysis, multilevel modelling for complex hierarchical data structures, multiple imputation methods for handling missing data, systems-informed mixed methods, and meta-analysis of observational studies and randomised trials.

At the University of Liverpool, I lead the Public, Preventative & Global Health (PPGH) theme for the MBChB course and serve as the education lead for PHPS. I also contribute to the MSc Health Data Science programme, while supervising PhD and third-year medical students.

Prizes or Honours

  • Teacher of the Year Health & Life Sciences Nominee (Guild Awards, 2024)
  • Certificate of Commendation (School of Medicine, 2024)
  • MRC MPhil Studentship (Medical Research Council, 2012)