VISA (Visual Impairment Screening Assessment)

The Vision Screening Assessment (VISA) tool has been developed by the VISION research unit, University of Liverpool. The tool is available free of charge to healthcare professionals.

VISA follows extensive research through the Vision In Stroke (VIS) study, Impact of Visual Impairment in Stroke (IVIS) programme and PERIMETRY programme, leading to the development, pilot and validation of the screening tool.

VISA tool resources*

  • VISA instructions for use and referrals
  • Equipment contents
  • VISA matching card
  • VISA recording sheet
  • VISA testing pack
  • BMJ Open 2018 VISA pilot paper
  • VISA Screening Assessment Tool
  • VISA Screen App - the VISA tool is now available to download as an app from the Apple store -
  • VISA Demonstration video


Translated resources are now also available in Chinese, Dutch and Norwegian.

To apply to use these resources, please click here.


The VISA app is a screening tool to aid screening for presence of visual impairment, particularly after acquired brain injury. It screens for the more common forms of visual impairment that occur from brain injury, but, as a screening tool, it is not designed to screen for all possible visual impairments whether caused by brain injury or by other eye disease or other causes. Therefore, a negative screen (i.e. no visual impairment detected by the VISA screen) does not rule out the presence of visual impairment. Where there is any suspicion that visual problems may be present, referral should always be made to a qualified eye specialist. It does not provide a definitive diagnosis of the existence, cause or effect of any visual impairment and should not be solely relied upon. It is a recommendation that any person should attend routine eye checks by qualified eye specialists (e.g. optometrists, ophthalmologists, orthoptists) at least every 2 years.


VISION Research Unit, University of Liverpool retain all copyright on professional resources, patient resources, BIVI-IQ questionnaire, VISA screening tool and V-FAST screening tool. If you wish to modify/translate these resources/tools in any way, please contact 


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