Our members perform a diverse range of activities in order to understand and improve the lives of people with mental health difficulties. Please see below for examples of our recent and ongoing work.
First Steps
Wirral Child Health and Development Study
The Wirral Child Health and Development Study has been funded by the Neuroscience and Mental Health board of the UK Medical Research Council since 2007. Led jointly by researchers in the Universities of Liverpool (Dr Helen Sharp), Readnig (Professor Jonathan Hill) and King’s College London (Professor Andrew Pickles) this large-scale longitudinal study aims to make new scientific discoveries about important influences on children’s mental health and their development over time.
Bangalore Child Health and Development Study
A longitudinal study of the risks for child mental health in Bangalore
This is a multidisciplinary, UK and Indian research team working on a longitudinal study of risks for child mental health and development in Bangalore, India. The research is funded by the UK and Indian MRC and involves large-scale data management and data linkage between the Wirral Child Health and Development Study and our colleagues in India.
Team of Life Project: A Pilot
Promoting resilience in vulnerable children
A pragmatic cluster randomized control trial, designed to evaluate a novel narrative intervention to promote resilience in vulnerable children transitioning from primary to secondary school.
Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care North West Coast (CLAHRC NWC)
A collaboration between Universities, local authorities, NHS organisations and the public
Women’s psychological health and wellbeing matters throughout life but is particularly important during pregnancy and subsequently, postnatal. The aim of the Perinatal Access to Resources and Support (PEARS) project is to produce a tested system with a training package for an intervention that is appropriate and that can be integrated and sustained into routine care. Alongside the work in Liverpool, collaboration across the North West will be implemented to monitor how the project can then be implemented in other areas.
Other ongoing projects
Led by Professor Atif Rahman:
Eastern Mediterranean Partnership to implement the Regional Framework for Mental Health: Going to scale with school mental health, National Institute of Mental Health (USA)
A multicomponent intervention to reduce home-exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) during pregnancy and postnatal period: Development and pilot randomized controlled trial.
Multi Centre RCT of a group psychological intervention for Postnatal Depression in British Mothers of South Asian Origin - ROSHNI-D, National Institute of Health Research.
Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health and Care: Improving access to support for perinatal women through peer facilitation: a feasibility study National Institute of Health Research
SHARE South Asian Hub for Advocacy, Research and Education in mental health – Task shifting strategies. National Institute of Mental Health.