Perspectives on enhancing consent and recruitment in intensive care studies

Guidance Development Meeting

As part of the good practice guidance development process, we held a one-day meeting in Liverpool.

The aim of the meeting was to: 

  1. Bring together different stakeholders (including patients, family members, health professionals and researchers) to review and refine a draft version of the Perspectives good practice guidance. Hearing from these stakeholders helped us to make sure the guidance was ethically sound, and that it took account of the priorities of those with experience of the challenges of research in the ICU setting.
  2. Engage key stakeholders to help raise awareness of the study findings and outputs as part of the Perspectives study dissemination strategy.

The meeting was attended by 28 people (patients, family members, ICU doctors and nurses, researchers, an ethicist and a research regulator) and took place in October 2019.




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