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North West Hub for Trials Methodology Research


MSc in Clinical Research - Published Dissertation Proposal Titles


Quality Clinical Trial Monitoring in Nigeria: Impact of Regulatory Oversight and Resource Capacity

Barriers to Recruitment in Clinical Trials amongst HIV Positive Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in Mombasa, Kenya, a Resource Limited Setting

The use of pharmacogenetic studies of efficacy and safety during key phases of the drug development process

The spillover effects of a phase III clinical trial on non-study participant children aged under 5 years in Western Kenya

The reporting of harms in randomized controlled trials in patients with hypertension

Description of current clinical research advertisements and exploring the acceptance of the Centre for Information & Study on Clinical Research Participation’s (CISCRP) medical heroes advertisement campaign as a model for increasing clinical trial recruitment in Toronto.

An exploratory study to identify challenges to full Good Clinical Practice (GCP) compliance in sub-Saharan Africa

Estimating clinical and non-clinical resources via organizing research centers using a centralized approach: Province of Ontario based assessment

Evaluating Myelodysplastic Syndromes in clinical trials compared to clinical practice in adults: a Systematic Review.

Applicability and acceptability of a waiver of consent to clinical research in Intensive Care Units

Electronic data capture in clinical trials: the user perspective

Informed Consent: The influence of family members and culture in Nigeria

Accuracy and Reliability of Laboratory Results That Support Clinical Research in Ghana

The role of biomarkers in Type II Diabetic Clinical Trials

Monitoring Practices in Non-commercial Clinical Trials in the United Kingdom

A Hemoglobinopathy Registry for follow up of patients identified with Sickle Cell disease by the Ontario Newborn Screening Program

Standardisation of Quality of Life Core Outcomes in Stem Cell Clinical Trials

Realising the benefits, evaluating and making recommendations for the use of biomarkers in oncology clinical trials

The Attitudes and Perceptions of Ethics Committee members of Cameroon on the impact of Bioethics Capacity building programmes in Cameroon

Factors that influence recruitment and retention of HIV discordant couples to clinical trials in Nairobi, Kenya.

An evaluation of endpoint selection in academic versus pharmaceutical breast cancer clinical trials in North America

The importance of Primary Care sites when conducting Randomised Controlled Trials in Mental Health Care

Harmonization of Submission Document to Regulatory and Ethics Committee

The perceptions of research clinicians and potential research subjects in Western Kenya on the differences between clinical trials and clinical care

Assessment of patient-reported outcomes in interventional randomized clinical trials in asthmatic children registered in a public-access trial registry

Identifying a standardised set of core outcome measures in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) effectiveness clinical trials (Common assessments used in COPD clinical trials)

Assessment of self-perceived risk-benefit decision making patterns by research ethics committee members in Egypt

Factors Affecting the Understanding and Retention of the Informed Consent among Participants at an Antiretroviral Clinical Trial in a Resource Limited Setting

Assessing Diagnostic Accuracy and Quality of Reporting of Abdominal Imaging Clinical Trials in an ED Setting: A systematic review

What are the key factors influencing both the success and failure of lung cancer clinical trials through the product pipeline in the last ten years?

Source Data Verification (SDV) and its Effect on the Quality and Integrity of Data

Reporting of Harms and Efficacy Outcomes of Randomised Clinical Trials in Cystic Fibrosis Before and After the Publication of the Revised CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Statement in 2001 – A Comparison of Trial Reports Published from 1994 and from 2008.

Adherence of non-pharmaceutically sponsored trials to the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) protocol structure guidelines in an academic institution outside the ICH jurisdictions

If you would like more information about any of these projects please email


NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowships


NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowships (CT Fellowships) are designed to support existing NIHR Trainees with an interest in, and experience of, working with clinical trials as part of their current training award who would benefit from further training within the setting of a Clinical Trials Unit.

The fellowship will include a 6 month (FTE) comprehensive training programme, covering all aspects of clinical trials from design through to conduct, analysis and reporting. The exact training programme will be tailored dependent on the needs of the individual and will include training delivered by senior members of the various CTRC sections (Trial Management, Statistics, Data Management, Information Systems, Health Economics (in collaboration with the Centre for Health Economics & Medicines Evaluation) and Quality Assurance) together with external training as appropriate. The CTRC portfolio of studies is large and includes CTIMP, Device and non-CTIMP studies both UK based and international. Within the CTRC there will be opportunity for fellows to gain experience across a number of trials differing in study design and stage of completion.

The CTRC has been successful in gaining two awards in round 1 of the CT Fellowships.

If you are interested in applying for a future round of the CT fellowships and would like to discuss this further with the CTRC please contact:

Dr Emma Bedson, Trials Manager/Training Programme Supervisor Clinical Trials Research Centre, University of Liverpool

Telephone: 0151 795 5564; Email: