We take pride in our high-quality research outputs, and the impact that our research has on shaping national and international guidance for the use of health technologies.
NIHR Technology Assessment Review (TAR) programme
We are one of nine NIHR Technology Assessment Reviews (TAR) research teams that are commissioned to provide independent research for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Our research combines systematic reviews of clinical effectiveness & safety, statistical analyses, and economic analyses to assess new and existing health technologies. Our findings are then submitted to a NICE guidance committee as one of a variety of different types of specialised report. The committee then uses this evidence to produce recommendations and guidance about the use of the health technology by the NHS, and other public health and social care services.
Below are examples of recent appraisals that we have contributed to:
- Atezolizumab for untreated, locally advanced or metastatic, triple negative breast cancer (ID1522)
- Pembrolizumab for untreated metastatic or unresectable recurrent head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (ID1140) Link
- Palbociclib in combination with fulvestrant for treating advanced oestrogen-receptor positive, HER2-negative breast cancer (ID916)
For a more comprehensive list of our appraisal reports, see Health Technology Assessment.
Professional development and capacity building
Supporting evidence-informed practice
We offer a variety of tailored continuous professional development and capacity building programmes to support evidence-informed practice in health and social care. Evidence from our current research demonstrates that teams rather than individuals are likely to initiate and sustain change in professional practice and therefore we strongly encourage team applications.
Skill Builders
Skills Builders is a suite of three interactive workshops designed to support individuals or teams to find, evaluate, analyse and report scientific evidence within their practice. The short course helps to develop technical skills and knowledge including developing your question, database searching, critical appraisal and reporting findings
Mentoring support and workshops
Please contact us if you would like to discuss mentoring support or the bespoke development and delivery of a one-day workshop for your staff and colleagues.
Informing PGR support
We are particularly interested in supporting postgraduate research (PGR) students to use evidence synthesis methods. For example, members of our team contribute to activities offered through the Liverpool Doctoral College or North West Doctoral Training Centre
Support to supervisors
A good way to support capacity in evidence synthesis is to support supervisors of undergraduate or postgraduate students as well as those undertaking other professional development. Our team have contributed to supervisor workshops for those supervising Research and Scholarship projects undertaken by medical students. Contact us to find out more.
Researcher KnowHow
We contribute to the Researcher KnowHow programme with a series of workshop and resources. For more information visit the Researcher KnowHow homepage.
Doing a systematic review: a student’s guide
Our team has developed a textbook for postgraduate students conducting a systematic review as part of their thesis. The book is available from the University Library (R853.S94.B68) and to buy. The book acts as both a professional guide and a hub of resources to ease the process of completing a systematic review.
Resources to complement the book are available.