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International Nurses Day: Ruth Gallogly

Posted on: 10 May 2022 by Ruth Gallogly in May 2022 Posts

To celebrate International Nurses Day we are showcasing nurses and the incredible work they do, especially after COVID. Ruth Gallogly provides insight and how her second year has differed from her first year.

Hi, I’m Ruth a second-year student nurse here at the University of Liverpool.

The second year has definitely been a different experience from last year as our first year was all online learning! It’s been great to actually be on campus this year, I think it’s really helped the cohort get to know each other better and some really amazing friendships have been made. Clinical placements have also stepped up this year, as a second-year student nurse we have lots more responsibility and are expected to show much more independence. Sometimes it’s difficult working 37.5-hour weeks as a student, but the friendships we make on the course really help, we’re all in the same boat and understand each other’s struggles.

I think nursing is one of those love-hate courses. The exams and assignments really take it out of you but once you get out onto clinical placements and are putting your skills to work and are developing those nurse-patient relationships, you’re reminded why we love it so much. There are some experiences you have with patients that will stay for you forever. Ever since the first year, I’ve liked to reflect and write down those experiences, so when things do get tough, I read them back and remember why we’re here.

We are student nurse’s because we want to help others, provide care, and make a difference wherever we can.