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My First Paper: Helen Marshall

Posted on: 1 April 2022 in April 2022 Posts

Helen Marshall

This week we continue our My First Paper campaign, showcasing researchers and their research, with the School of Health Sciences' Helen Marshall, a Specialist Practitioner in District nursing.

What was the title of your first paper and who was it submitted to?

“Community nurse’s knowledge, confidence and experience of the Mental Capacity Act in practice”

British Journal of Community Nursing December 2016 Vol 21, No 12 615

How would you explain what this paper was about to your grandparents?

This paper is regarding statutory legislation called the Mental Capacity Act 2005, which became law in 2007 in England and Wales.  This act seeks to empower those who may have a diagnosed impairment of the mind, such as Dementia, a learning disability or a brain injury.  This legislation provides a framework which health and social care staff must follow, so it can be evidenced they have empowered people who have an impairment to make their own decisions, as much as is practically possible. If there are occasions whereby a person is unable to make a decision at the time it needs to be made, health and social care staff can make the decision in the person’s best interests.  However, they must follow the legal guidance to ensure the decision made is one that is truly the best for them.

What was the most significant thing for you about that paper?

There is literature available that indicates the Mental Capacity Act 2005 is not being utilised as it was envisioned.  Therefore, this results in a lack of empowerment and inclusivity.  This paper identified, via a focus group and interview with community nurses, the barriers and facilitators which were present which impeded the act being implemented as the legislation directs.  As a result of this paper and the findings, a role was created within the Trust to further embed the MCA and to support staff to do this successfully.

What advice would you give to others about submitting their first paper?

I would advise that submitting your paper isn’t as scary as you may think it is, so give it a go. After all that hard work you want people to read it, as it is often a topic you are really passionate about.