Substance use research group
Find out more and volunteer for our latest research studies.
Volunteers needed for research: Barriers to behaviour change in alcohol drinking
We invite you to take part in a study conducted from the University of Liverpool, Psychology Department conducted for the aims of a PhD project.
The following study aims to investigate the barriers to behaviour change in non-dependent alcohol drinkers.
The current study aims to examine the reasons individuals have for not reducing their alcohol consumption as well as how these reasons may be related to levels of alcohol consumption and how they may affect daily life or daily tasks.
There will be a series of 4 questionnaires to answer. A short, 10-item, alcohol use questionnaire will be used to assess alcohol consumption levels. If you score above a certain level on this questionnaire you will then go on to complete a questionnaire that assesses the barriers to behaviour change in alcohol drinkers.
Following this, you will be asked to complete a short survey questionnaire that assesses the units of alcohol consumed in the past 14 days.
Lastly, you will be asked to complete a 10-item measure which assesses the importance of alcohol in one's life taking into consideration the past 4 weeks.
Who can take part?
- Aged 18 years or older
- Drink alcohol
- Can read English
- Live in the UK
- You should not take part if you have a current or previous diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder
If you meet these criteria, you are eligible to take part in this research.
The study should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.
To complete the questionnaire, please click the following link.
If you would like any further information about the study please contact the study investigators:
Georgiana Anastasiou
Prof Paul Christiansen
Volunteers required for study researching brain function and cannabis use
Study title: Brain activation when withholding cannabis-cue responses. An fNIRS study
We are seeking volunteers to take part in a lab study at the University of Liverpool, assessing brain activity during a computer task that requires you to demonstrate control over your behaviour.
If you wish to take part, first we require you complete a short screening questionnaire. This is to check that you meet the inclusion criteria for the study and assign you to the appropriate study group. Eligible volunteers are required to complete questionnaires relating to substance use, mood/state, personality, and cognitive function, as well as completing a computer task assessing behavioural control whilst wearing a cap with sensors that detect changes in blood flow using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). The study lasts under 2 hours, and you will receive a £20 shopping voucher as reimbursement for your time.
In order to take part, you should be aged 18+ years, a fluent English speaker and have normal, or corrected to normal vision. You must also fall into either of the following categories: have used cannabis on average at least once a month over the past 6 months OR have used cannabis on fewer than five occasions (This includes never used).
You will not be able to participate if:
- You have a diagnosis of a psychiatric or neurological disorder (e.g. schizophrenia, epilepsy)
- You have a diagnosis of a mental health disorder
- You have a diagnosis of an alcohol or substance use disorder (including cannabis use disorder)
- You are currently taking prescribed psychoactive medication (e.g. diazepam, citalopram, sertraline)
Please be aware that in order to participate you will be required to not use cannabis on the day of the study session.
If you are interested in taking part, use the QR code for more information:
What if I want advice about cannabis or substance use?
We cannot offer advice ourselves, but if you are concerned about your drug use, and would like help, we advise you to seek information and advice from your doctor, or from one of the following websites:
If you have any further questions, please contact
Volunteers required for Study Researching Self-Regulation and Cannabis Use
Study title: The Value of Cannabis
We are seeking volunteers to participate in a study assessing cannabis consumption patterns and self-regulation through Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) via a smartphone app.
Volunteers are required to:
- Attend the lab to receive instruction on how to use the smartphone app, complete questionnaires about your cannabis use, personality traits etc., and complete a brief cognitive function task.
- Respond to four discreet daily prompts over a 14-day period, delivered through the smartphone app. These prompts will current cover mood, cravings, location, consumption, and more
- You will receive a reimbursement for your time.
You may participate if you:
- Are 18 years of age or older
- Are a fluent English speaker
- Have normal, or corrected-to-normal vision
- Are a regular cannabis user (use cannabis at least once per week on average)
- Have a lockable smartphone with the latest operating software update
You cannot participate if you:
- You have a diagnosis of a psychiatric or neurological disorder (e.g. schizophrenia, epilepsy)
- You have a diagnosis of a mental health disorder, including alcohol or substance use disorders
- You are currently taking psychoactive medication (e.g. diazepam, citalopram, sertraline)
- You are currently trying to cut down or cease your cannabis use
Confidentiality and Anonymity:
Please be assured, all data collected during this study will be kept strictly confidential and anonymised. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us.
If you are interested in taking part, use the QR code for more information:
What if I want advice about cannabis or substance use?
We cannot offer advice ourselves, but if you are concerned about your drug use, and would like help, we advise you to seek information and advice from your doctor, or from one of the following websites:
Volunteers needed for research: Barriers to behaviour change in cannabis use
We invite you to take part in a study conducted from the University of Liverpool, Psychology Department conducted for the aims of a PhD project. The following study aims to investigate the barriers to behaviour change in non-dependent cannabis users. The current study aims to examine the reasons individuals have for not reducing their cannabis use as well as how these reasons may be related to levels of cannabis consumption and how they may affect daily life or daily tasks.
There will be a series of 4 questionnaires to answer. A short, 8-item, cannabis use questionnaire will be used to assess cannabis consumption levels, if you score above a certain level on this questionnaire, you will then go on to complete a questionnaire that assesses the barriers to behaviour change in cannabis users. Following this, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire that assesses the units of cannabis consumed in the past 14 days. Lastly, you will be asked to complete a 10-item measure which assesses the importance of cannabis in one’s life taking into consideration the past 4 weeks.
Who can take part?
- Aged 18 years or older.
- Regular cannabis user – Use cannabis at least once in an average week.
- Can read English.
- Live in either the UK, EU, Canada, or the United States of America.
- You should not take part if you have a current or previous diagnosis of a cannabis use disorder or a substance use disorder.
If you meet these criteria, then you are eligible to take part in this researc.
The study should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.
To complete the questionnaire please click the following link
If you are concerned about your cannabis use, and would like help, we advise you to seek information and advice from your doctor, or from one of the following websites:
- - Call or text MA World Services at: +1 (800) 766-6779 or email at:
- - Call at: +44 7442 137421
- - Call at: +44 330 053 6022
- - Help for anyone worried about cannabis use: Call at: +44 330 124 0373 or email at:
- - Call at: +44 808 258 3148 or email at:
If you would like any further information about the study, please contact the study investigators:
Georgiana Anastasiou
Prof Paul Christiansen