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Take part in research: effects of virtual reality on mood and taste perceptions

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Exploring the effect of virtual reality on taste and mood perceptions

The Department of Psychology are currently recruiting participants for a research study investigating the effects of virtual reality on mood and taste perceptions.

Participants will be asked to attend one 45-minute session in the lab, which will involve 5 minutes in a virtual reality environment, where you will answer some questions about your mood.

In the second part of the session, a food buffet will be provided, and you will answer questions relating to the taste of the foods.  You will also be asked to provide information on your gender, age and ethnicity, and your height/weight will be measured.

Participants will receive a £10 Amazon voucher, or students can receive 5 EPR points.

To take part you will need to:

  • Be aged 18+
  • Not have any dietary restrictions (other than vegetarian) food allergies or intolerances.
  • Not have a current/ historical eating disorder diagnosis
  • Not be currently dieting
  • Have normal/ corrected to normal vision and no auditory impairments.
  • Have not experienced motion sickness.

If you would like to take part, please email or answer the screening questionnaire here.