Primary Care and Mental Health
Enhancing mental health and wellbeing support, and primary healthcare provision.
The Department of Primary Care and Mental Health’s (PCMH) goal is to enhance mental health and wellbeing support, and primary healthcare provision. PCMH engages in scholarly activity to develop theories, models and interventions for primary healthcare and to promote mental health and wellbeing. Our research and teaching activities aim to enhance excellence in primary, community, mental health and social care at a local and global level.
PCMH seeks to enable and develop all our staff and students by providing research and learning opportunities, training, mentorship, and peer support. Colleagues working in health and social care, experts by experience and members of the public are welcomed into our research and education activities, and research group meetings.
Our underlying principles include inclusion and diversity, multi-disciplinarity and co-production. We achieve these through various means including working closely with the department’s committees (e.g. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) committee, Postgraduate Research committee, Research committee, Education committee) promoting research equity. We adhere to robust governance and standards of professional and research ethics.
Our research programmes include, for example:
- Global mental health
- Chronic conditions and polymorbidity
- Children and families
- Older adults
- Primary care and community mental health
- Big data – CIPHA and System-P
- Suicide and self-harm
- Dementia and ageing
- Clinical psychology (including forensics, pain, dementia, and physical health)
- Visual impairment in acquired brain injury.