PhD students
Here you'll find links to our current PhD students along with their thesis titles.
Mental Health Policy in the United Kingdom from the Perspectives of Advocates, Civil Society and Politics Elites in the 21st Century
Narratives of Dissident Subjecthood in American Politics: Examining Social Movement Discourse of Surveillance, Protest and Government Distrust.
Decolonising the politics of child protection: A Sierra Leone Case Study
Gender and Asylum in Post-Brexit Britain
The social life of abortion stigma in Malta: how abortion narratives are collectively created and contested
Survivor-centred justice in anti-trafficking efforts in Senegal
Bordes and historical legacies; the journey of a postcolonial subject
The Sun Shall Set – New Left and the Decline of Empire: The Politics of Race and Revolution in the British Class War
Where are all the disabled politicians? Voter perceptions of disabled political candidates.
Identity Entrepreneurs: To What Extent does a Polarizing Approach to Group Based Appeals Explain the Electoral Success of the Radical Right in Europe.
Embedding Human Security into Free Trade Agreements in Africa
Patterns and Determinants of Political Participation: A Comparative Analysis of Turkish Migrants of Europe