A headshot of Daniel Tagg in his Graduation Hat

Daniel Tagg

Daniel Tagg completed a placement at the National Education Union, and is now looking for jobs in local government, the civil service, and public affairs.

I loved my time studying Politics at the University Of Liverpool. Throughout my three year course, I was offered a wide range of different module options to study, all of which saw myself and my peers more than adequately supported by staff and the university as a whole.

The highlights of my experience were Dr Andrew Roe-Crines’s Political Communication and Public Speaking module, and Professor Stuart Wilks Heeg’s Political Broadcasting Radio module. The former involved delivering a lengthy speech to the rest of the cohort using the rhetorical techniques we had learned throughout the semester, which was a brilliant way of showcasing what I had learnt in a practical manner. The latter saw a team of me and five of my peers plan and deliver a weekly political broadcast on university radio, which pushed us to work to strict deadlines, whilst also being intensely enjoyable.

On top of this, my favourite experience outside of the university setting was my semester long placement at the National Education Union, organised by Dr Kevin Hickson’s Local Placement module. This stint working at a trade union provided me with invaluable experience of functioning in a pressurised work environment, and I would highly recommend this sort of opportunity to anyone.

As of today, after taking a year out after my graduation in July 2023, I am applying and interviewing for jobs in local government, the civil service, and public affairs. I am being actively supported in my search for employment in these areas by the UOL Careers and Employability team, who are assisting me in finding vacancies that may interest me, and advising me on what approaches to take in regards to these opportunities. Furthermore, I am still in contact with several of my old lecturers who are always more than happy to give me references or answer any queries I may have in regards to my education or finding a new role.

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