Museums and Libraries

Includes library policies on Open Access, Research Data Management and our Heritage and Culture Strategy.

Research Data Management Policy

Research Data Management Policy

This policy sets out the principles that should be followed by staff and students of the University in the creation, collection and curation of research data.

Special Collections and Archives: Access Policy

Special Collections and Archives: Access Policy

This policy summarises the University's approach to the management of it's distinctive collections in in support of strategic priorities in relation to teaching, research and public engagement.

University Open Access Publication Policy

University of Liverpool Open Access Publication Policy

This policy summarises the University of Liverpool's commitment to disseminating the outputs of its research and scholarship as widely as possible

Library Collection Development and Management Policy

Library Collection Development and Management Policy

This policy outlines the Library's strategy for ensuring that we meet the current teaching and research needs for all our stakeholders by continuing to acquire relevant new material.

LGM Human Remains Policy

Libraries, Museums, Galleries Human Remains Policy

The University of Liverpool’s Libraries, Museums, Galleries (LMG) hold important collections built up since the founding of the University in 1881 through gift, purchase, and bequest.

Museums and Galleries Strategy

Reimagining Libraries, Museums and Galleries Strategy

This strategic plan is the result of staff and stakeholder engagement within, and beyond, Libraries, Museums and Galleries.