Information Management Policy

The Information Management Policy sets out the responsibilities of staff in relation to all information which is created, received or maintained by staff in the course of carrying out their duties, or by researchers engaged on internally or externally funded projects. The information may be in any format or medium, including electronic media. Records are defined as any information resource providing evidence of the transactions and activities of the University.

The Information Management Policy is designed to promote good information management which will result in the following:

  • Accurate and relevant information on the University's transactions
  • Information will be authentic, reliable and integral
  • Information will be stored within suitable filing systems, to enable easy retrieval and avoid unnecessary duplication
  • Access to information will be balanced with security appropriate to its level of confidentiality and importance
  • Information will be retained for the correct length of time, and disposed of appropriately in line with the University Records Retention Schedule

View the Information Management Policy here.


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