At what stage of your studies are you?
Finished 2nd year of studies. I will be starting year 3 in September 2024.
Tell us a little about your research project.
The research project was to verify the pulse width of a nanosecond pulsed dyed laser and to also measure the diameter of the laser. The symmetry of the laser was also investigated in this experiment as well as having the opportunity to independently explore some maths that relates to this. At the end of the project, a report was written outlining the project and its importance to the overall research that the group conducts.
As well as completing these tasks, large parts of the internship was spent learning about the experiments that are conducted within the group and having the opportunity to see how complicated experimental equipment is put together and being able to help with this at times.
James enjoying a break from the lab.
What skills have you developed during your research?
- Gained a good understanding of the physics behind lasers and the many uses lasers can have in science. Also demonstrated the ability to work safely with lasers.
- Opportunity to extend the maths learnt in undergrad and to apply this in a real situation. (using elliptic coordinates to account for asymmetry of the laser)
- More of an understanding of the optics used for lasers.
- I now feel relatively confident in using some of the tools in the lab (such as a spanner).
Also seen the importance of equipment such as a digital oscilloscope can have in the lab. And in general, I feel a lot more confident working around the experiment.
- For report writing, I took the time to learn latex. This was a really great time to learn this as I was able to learn a lot from other group members about this.
- I’ve also learnt that things quite often go wrong in the lab but that its very rewarding when things work well.
Any final thoughts on your placement?
This placement was a fantastic opportunity to get a real feel of what it is like working on experiments and in a research group. It’s been a great hands-on approach to working in the lab and has given me the opportunity to see real science in action. It’s also shown me that things don’t always work, and at times requires unique solution to fix the problem.
So, what’s next?
I have very much enjoyed the placement, and it has really made me consider wanting to pursue research. I’m not fully sure exactly which field yet though.
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