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Bharat  Rawat

Dr Bharat Rawat
PhD, M.Tech (Nuclear) ,B.E (Mechanical)

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Accelerator Physics)


As a researcher within the accelerator physics cluster, I am associated with the QUASAR group situated at the Cockcroft Institute in Daresbury. My research includes a wide array of topics, including beam dynamics, particle traps, antimatter physics, ion sources, beam extraction systems, Faraday Cups, electric propulsion, and plasma physics. I earned my Ph.D. from Homi Bhabha National Institute/Institute for Plasma Research in India while working as a DDFS fellow. Prior to that, I obtained M.Tech in Nuclear Engineering from Pandit Deendayal Energy University in Gandhinagar, India, and a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Gujarat Technological University in Ahmedabad, India.