Search for charged lepton flavour violation with the Mu3e experiment at PSI

The Mu3e experiment will search for the lepton-flavour violating decay of a muon to three electrons. Since the decay is suppressed to unobservable levels in the standard model of particle physics, any observation would be a clear sign of new physics. The experiment is currently under construction at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. Commissioning of the detector is ongoing and the first physics run is expected in 2026.

As a PhD student on Mu3e you will be an active member of the wider Liverpool team. Initially you will contribute to the final stages of the quality assurance measurements of MuPix tracker modules assembled in Liverpool and in the commissioning of this detector at PSI. With the arrival of the first physics data you will work to optimise the headline CLFV analysis towards the first competitive published results. You will contribute to the day-to-day operation of the pixel tracker at PSI and its use in Mu3e physics analyses.  

The project will offer you an excellent training by having the opportunity within the PhD to contribute both to the construction, and commissioning of the state-of-the-art MuPix pixel tracker, as well as on simulation and analysis work towards the highly anticipated first physics results of the experiment.

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